Introduction of the project “Intensive Art Residency Project” by ZeroStation Unknown May 19, 2014 No Comment

In the second horizon, we would like to focus on the very process of art production. Here, we will create untraditional spaces of producing art by which we hope being able to open up alternative approaches for the production of art | Ở góc độ thứ hai, chúng tôi muốn tập trung khảo sát vào chính quá trình sản tạo nghệ thuật của nghệ sĩ. Ở đây, chúng tôi muốn tìm cách tạo ra những không gian sản tạo nghệ thuật phi truyền thống, để từ đó, tìm cách mở ra nhiều lối tiếp cận khác với quá trình sản tạo nghệ thuật cũng như sản phẩm nghệ thuật sau cuối.

ZeroStation is pleased to inform the project: Intensive Art Residency, one of the projects by ZeroStation in its second year of activities.
In second year of activities, with other activities such as conducting public based art project, we also focus to the topics of the subject that produces art and culture. The focus is in two horizons. The first one is to organize and curate the solo show of the artists who we think are offering new discursive subject matter for Vietnamese contemporary art scene. In this horizon, the exhibition, talk and workshop will be main models for the focus. One of the exhibitions which was organized and curated by ZeroStation and which is under the first horizon is the exhibition the project “Plastic Bags” by artist Truong Thien at ZeroStaion since 19th-28th 2012. ( see the clip of the exhibition and the artist talk here [ with EN subtitles]
In the second horizon, we would like to focus on the very process of art production. Here, we will create untraditional spaces of producing art by which we hope being able to open up alternative approaches for the production of art
The traditional space of producing art normally the one which bases upon the personality of artist, on the spontaneousness on that so called “ genius”, a term which was created by Kant in 17th centuries. In this kind of space, the artist becomes the only King, who gives his order to the Nature. Because of which, in this space, the art product created is naturally something spontaneous, inward, and unpredictable.
In this Intensive Art Residency project, we will try to create different space, which does not base upon the factors above
During one month (or one and half month), a foreign artist or an artist from other provinces of Vietnam will be invited to work at ZeroStationHCMC. However, the special point here is that she must work collaboratively with one (or more) local artist. The project they are supposed to conduct will never be pre-existing at all, in terms of they will use ZeroStation space as a production studio to produce it. Oppositely, they must to start from ZERO in terms of only after meeting each other, they will discuss, debate, conflict, negotiate together in order to form it. Seen from this perspective, ZeroStation will at the same time be a thinking space, a think-tank, a studio, and a showing room.
During the working time at ZeroStation, the artists participating in the Intensive Art Residency will be provide the best facilitations to conduct for their project. For example, if they would like to research on an specialized field, such as philosophy, literature, sociology, or even electronics, ZeroStation will be responsible to invite the expect in that field to have a conversation with the artists
One of special point of this project is the artist has total right to select local partner for her ( ZeroStation of course will suggest to her, in case she does not know anyone here). This local partner is not necessary artist in terms of they could be a driver, a worker, a teacher, or an intellectual, etc.
Because the core of the project does not locate at final product, in terms of an artistic product, but the very process of working together of artists participating to the project, the participants will have opportunities of approaching to the production of art not only in terms of making knowledge or symbols, but also in terms of experiencing in everyday life. It is by this point that we hope they could have opportunities of being aware of the limits and possibility of the We and the They, in the process of seeing each other
The end of the project will be an exhibition and a discussion with audience at ZeroStation.
There will be two forms of selecting artist to participate in the project
  • ZeroStation will invite directly artists who we think will be matching for the project
  • Other artists who would like to participate in the project please send us email to (Please CC to ). In the email, please attach CV, and the past project (including its images and statements). After considered, the suitable artist with the project will be selected. Artists could send email anytime to us. Those artists accepted in the first round will be sent an email to confirm from us, and who are not will not be sent email to confirm from us.
The artists invited directly or accepted to participate in the project will be provided accommodation in HCMC during the project, the supports for transportation, a small per diem and support for production work (more detail will be discussed with artists)
by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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