Workshops on Sound Art by Michael Vorfeld at ZeroStation Unknown May 20, 2014 No Comment

Berlin-based artist Michael Vorfeld will conduct three workshops on sound art at ZeroStation starting this Thursday

Berlin-based artist Michael Vorfeld will conduct three workshops on sound art at ZeroStation starting this Thursday. The event is one among a series of workshops, screenings, performances, concerts, actions, lectures and discussions within the Open Academy project as part of Germany in Vietnam 2010.

Michael Vorfeld, who started playing music at age fourteen, is a musician and visual artist active in the fields of experimental music, improvised music and sound art. A member of Heinrich Mucken, an artist group founded in 1982, Vorfeld got involved in site specific art projects, and has ever since developed installations, performances, concerts, and exhibitions in Europe, the USA, Asia and Australia. His works have a focus on light, electro-acoustic sound, photography and film. He earned a Master’s degree in Visual Communication from the University of Kassel and first came to work with Vietnamese artists in 1989. 

Michael VorfeldMusician and visual artist |

This time in Saigon, Vorfeld hopes to extend his interaction with Vietnam’s landscape of sound art by not only showcasing his works, but also getting local audiences and contemporary Vietnamese artists engaged in the sound-making journey. Thus, his first two workshops at ZeroStation will be devoted to Vorfeld creating pieces of sound art, as well as the audiences having conversations or collaborating with him on the art-producing process. The last workshop, however, will give the audiences higher levels of engagement and participation in that they, with the facilitation of Vorfeld, can bring out artistic construction using day-to-day materials.

Detailed schedule of the workshops:

  • Thursday, 18 November 2010.
  • 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM:  Michael Vorfeld making pieces of sound art improvisingly and welcoming conversations/collaboration with the audiences and artists at anytime of the day.

  • Friday, 19 November 2010.
  • 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM: Michael Vorfeld making pieces of sound art improvisingly and welcoming conversations/collaboration with the audiences and artists at anytime of the day.

WORKSHOP 3 (**):
  • Saturday, 20 November 2010.
  • 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM:  Michael Vorfeld making pieces of sound art improvisingly and welcoming conversations/collaboration with the audiences and artists at anytime before noon.
  • 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM:  This portion of the workshop will be supported by Zero-Tea-Station, an art practice currently on view at ZeroStation, and its artist, Thien Thu Binh, will offer the workshop’s participants tea, for free.
    • 2:00 PM – 2:30 PM:  Video screening—Michael Vorfeld’s previous artworks.
    • 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM:  Michael Vorfeld, in collaboration with Zero-Tea-Station and especially local audiences, celebrating the art of sound using everyday materials. 

(*) Workshops 1 and 2 are free and open to everyone. There is no need for registration.

(**) Workshop 3 (2:00 PM – 5:00 PM), conducted in both Vietnamese and English, is free, yet limited room will be provided. Please register with ZeroStation by email or phone (see contact information below) by 2:00 PM, 19 November 2010.


Brief introduction on sound art: Sound art is heavily dependent on its environment, where the sound objects develop over time, and takes its listeners as part of the experience. It is different from music in that a listener must go through the whole music piece to understand it while an audience of sound art can choose to stay as long as they wish and still get the experience. Sound art is thus site-specific rather than a piece of music that can be picked up and played anywhere. Its artists use tones and audio effects as painters use colors and shapes.

Gaining popularity in the USA in the 1950s, sound art is usually associated with John Cage, who loved sounds as they are and even considered silence as music. This new form of experimental work came to be known in Vietnam in the late 1980s, with such notable names as Nguyen Van Cuong and Vu Dan Tan. Popular contemporary sound artists in Vietnam include Kim Ngoc and Vu Nhat Tan.


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by Jillur Rahman

Jillur Rahman is a Web designers. He enjoys to make blogger templates. He always try to make modern and 3D looking Templates. You can by his templates from Themeforest.

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